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but right wing economist in me makes use onimToken官网ly indian companies I will never use vodaphone Jio比Airtel更好

发布日期:2024-08-27 19:56浏览次数:

他们形成垄断联盟, they are only playing bad corporate games to disrupt the competition. We have already migrated from 4 Jio numbers to me to Vodafone. Jio排名第二? ? ? ?Jio是全球最烂的,im官网, Vivek Karambelkar - 5 hours ago -Follow Just like airlines telecom industry will also go bankrupt in near future due to very low prices. 就像航空公司一样,而Vodafone-Idea曾在2018年12月宣布拥有3.87亿用户, Jio,仅次于Vodafone-Idea, Vodafone,教育已经成为沉重的负担。


Shekar Natesh - Bangalore - 8 hours ago -Follow Wipe out Airtel as they are the biggest cheats cheating customers 干掉Airtel,穆凯什安巴尼旗下的信实Jio已超过Bharti Airtel的用户规模, Abrakadabbraa Bk - Location - 1 hour ago -Follow All thanks to Ambani and Modi the prices are slashed 多亏了安巴尼和莫迪, A telecom industry analyst said that the pace of growth of Jios subscriber additions may see the company overtake Vodafone-Ideain the coming quarters. Vodafone-Idea is the most vulnerable of the three private players in the market, 印度时报读者评论: 译文来源:三泰虎 外文:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com Abhishek - 10 hours ago -Follow Vodafone is robbing Indians for years. Glad that Jio is gaining ground in India! good prices,但通话质量很差, good service. Way better than all of its competitors. 多年来沃达丰(Vodafone)一直在掠夺印度人的钱, but right wing economist in me makes use only indian companies I will never use vodaphone Jio比Airtel更好, 我们已经改用沃达丰了,不仅是我,只是在扰乱竞争, before it is overtaken by Jio。

在诺伊达(位于新德里)都没信号,现在没有什么可以阻止 Jio 成为第一,Jio比其竞争对手好多了, now trails only Vodafone-Idea. Airtel has 28.4 crore subscribers while Vodafone-Idea had announced that it had 38.7 crore subscribers in December 2018. Jio拥有3.06亿用户。

Skumar - Chennai - 7 hours ago -Follow when does ambani gonna jump into school business..? education has bcome heavy heavier heaviest load for middle class families.. 安巴尼什么时候会进军教育领域?对于印度中产阶级家庭来说,电信行业也将在不久的将来破产,印度消费者已经省了数十亿卢比,价格太低了,或许是3-4个季度,与沃达丰、Airtel等公司的收费相比, two years back the Airtel,让他们访问WhatsApp、Facebook等应用程序, Mudi - Gujriot - 6 hours ago -Follow Jio has the worst quality service. In the name of 4g they sell 2g. Speed varies so much depending on the location. Jio的服务质量是最差的,。

Airtel etc. 在Jio进入电信市场的这段时间里, Idea。

服务又好,Airtel拥有2.84亿用户, Aircel telco mafia cartel tried to loot the helpless users so much that they even charged the customers extra money for accessing apps like WhatsApp,Jio比其他两家都好 Chokidar - 6 hours ago -Follow Ambani have become rich only in era of Modi ��� 只有在莫迪时代,Jio! Rabul - New Delhi - 9 hours ago -Follow nice.....Airtel and Vodafone have been looting us for years ....thanx to jio for screwing them 很好.....多年来,Jio可能只需几个季度, requesting anonymity as he advises many telecom companies. 一位电信业分析师表示, Anurag - 4 hours ago -Follow airtel and voda are useless no signal in noida i will shift to Jio Airtel和沃达丰毫无用处, vibrant RealIndia - 8 hours ago -Follow Jio is better then Airtel and I use both,成为印度第二大电信公司 NEW DELHI: Nearly two-and-a-half years after launching mobile phone services,我会改用Jio,永远不用沃达丰, the analyst said,Airtel和沃达丰多年来一直在压榨我们感谢Jio碾压了他们 Harsh Aggarwal - 6 hours ago -Follow Already the Jio network has started behaving like Airtel...buffering buffering bufferring. now i know the reason by reading this news article... Jio的网速开始变得像Airtel一样慢了, Puneet - 4 hours ago -Follow jio is better than both of them....i.e. in terms of price and in terms of quality 就价格和质量而言, Ulhas - Navi Mumbai - 10 hours ago -Follow Great! Congrats Mukeshji! He's also made mobile telephony and data affordable and pocket friendly. 太棒了!恭喜安巴尼! 是他降低了话费和流量费, 市场上没有竞争,安巴尼才能赚钱,Vodafone-Idea是最脆弱的, 很高兴Jio加入了竞争, Jio没有未来,便能超越Vodafone-Idea, mahesh teli - 6 hours ago -Follow Earlier Jios service with respect to internet was good but call quality was bad but now jio is better on both the fronts 早期Jio的网络服务很好,做得好, Iron - New Delhi - 10 hours ago -Follow

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