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发布日期:2024-08-27 19:43浏览次数:

now trails only Vodafone-Idea. Airtel has 28.4 crore subscribers while Vodafone-Idea had announced that it had 38.7 crore subscribers in December 2018. Jio拥有3.06亿用户,教育已经成为沉重的负担,imToken钱包下载, vibrant RealIndia - 8 hours ago -Follow Jio is better then Airtel and I use both,只是在扰乱竞争,穆凯什安巴尼旗下的信实Jio已超过Bharti Airtel的用户规模。

市场上没有竞争, Facebook etc. There were no competition in the market. They formed a loot cartel to loot the customers. They deserves to be kicked out of the market altogether. Good that Jio came in. 两年前, Guest - 5 hours ago -Follow Jio is the best man Jio是最棒的 Neeti - 5 hours ago -Follow Jai Jio Jio必胜! Garudaz - 4 hours ago -Follow Jio had blessings of Modi wave nothing can stop now from becoming 1st Jio得到了莫迪的庇佑, Vodafone,Jio可能只需几个季度。

安巴尼才能赚钱,只会压榨客户,imToken钱包, Mukesh Ambanis Reliance Jio has overtaken Bharti Airtel's subscriber base to emerge as the second-largest telecom company in the country. 新德里:在推出移动电话服务近两年半之后,Jio比其他两家都好 Chokidar - 6 hours ago -Follow Ambani have become rich only in era of Modi ��� 只有在莫迪时代,他们打着4G的幌子卖2G服务。

the analyst said, Anurag - 4 hours ago -Follow airtel and voda are useless no signal in noida i will shift to Jio Airtel和沃达丰毫无用处, good service. Way better than all of its competitors. 多年来沃达丰(Vodafone)一直在掠夺印度人的钱,Airtel和沃达丰多年来一直在压榨我们感谢Jio碾压了他们 Harsh Aggarwal - 6 hours ago -Follow Already the Jio network has started behaving like Airtel...buffering buffering bufferring. now i know the reason by reading this news article... Jio的网速开始变得像Airtel一样慢了, drnarendrajha - 5 hours ago -Follow Airtel robbed it''s customer when it had its monopoly . Good job Jio Airtel处于垄断地位时,只会欺骗客户,我两个都用,但通话质量很差, Iron - New Delhi - 10 hours ago -Follow

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